wtorek, 9 października 2012

Chart w sztuce zachodu_004

Charcie gwiazdozbiory

Chart_High Life Tailor_1910


Federico Zuccaro_Chart_001

Florent Willems_An Elegant Lady with Greyhound

Gianni Strino_Italian Greyhound

Giovanni Boldini_Marchesa Luisa Casati

Gustave Courbet_The greyhounds of the Comte de Choiseul

Itala Film Torino

Jean Gabriel Domergue

Misse and Turlu - Greyhoundy Ludwika XV

Dodaj napis

Modny chart_1913 coats

Sir Henry Edward Landseer_Eros ulubiony Greyhound ksiecia Alberta

Thomas Gainsborough_Portret Elizabeth Jackson stroking a young Greyhound

Alfred Dedreux_A Greyhound In An Extensive Landscape

Hans Memling_Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation

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